Winter & Spring Day Camps
Current Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy
If the need arises to cancel a registration, no refunds will be given at this time. However, you can make up a sick day for another one day camp or reschedule to another day camp BASED ON AVAILABILITY. Sick days cannot get credit just make up days on a future one day camp. If cancelling one week in advance or more, a credit will be issued for our future programs such as one-day camps or summer in-house camps, birthday parties, Earth Day/any special events, Scout sleepover programs, Open Plays/Jungle Expresses, Behind the scenes "Feeding Frenzies" MINUS $10 cancellation fee. Credit EXPIRES 1 YEAR from the date.
Please note this policy may change at any time. We welcome concerns and questions via email.
See summer camps tab
Scroll to Bottom of Page for Important Camp Info & Policies. Please email us your questions [email protected]
Winter & Spring Camps

Cabin Fever: Snow Day Camp
* Disclaimer- Based on confirmation of School Day off and day of road conditions
Jan 8th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
* Disclaimer- Based on confirmation of School Day off and day of road conditions
We have a special Cabin Fever camp when school is out! Are you tired of being stuck in the house and you are ready to get out and play? You are in luck! We have crafts, animals, games and more! Gear up with your snow gear and make a snowman! Then come on in and get cozy with hot cocoa! No cabin fever here, just our Jungle waiting for you go a little WILD. Swing on by and join us for an ADVENTURE! SPACE IS LIMITED!

Sharks! Up Close and Personal
Jan 20th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
Baby Shark…Momma Shark… Daddy Shark!! … Sharks come in all shapes and sizes! They are not the man-eating machines movies make them out to be! They are amazing, majestic, apex predators that have roamed the seas since dinosaur times and are crucial to their marine habitats. Pull up your sleeves for a fun and interactive shark lab to look for fossil shark teeth, discover shark jaws, and make a shark tooth necklace! Play prey- predator games and meet “Matilda the shark” and learn what do they really eat in a fun interactive manner. Of course, it wouldn’t be complete without meeting some other ECO LIVE predators.

Chinese New Year: Year of the Snake
Jan 21st
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
Get ready to celebrate... It's the year of the snake! Get up close and personal with some real life snakes along with other cute, scaly, and cuddly animals. Create a lantern, practice your chopstick skills, and learn a dragon dance during this celebration of the Chinese New Year. Put on your best party gear and get ready to have a blast with Eco Adventures!

Galactic Journey
Feb 17th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
3,2,1...Blast-off! Are you prepared to embark on the greatest adventure ever seen in a galaxy far, far away? Jr. Astronauts will learn all about the galaxy through all their senses using hands-on activities involving the planets, stars, and moon. Start the day by learning about what it takes to go up into orbit, from taste-testing astronaut food to training in zero gravity to testing out what it is like to work in space with astronaut gloves. Run the obstacle course to see if you are fit enough… What about life in space? Take a look at our own animal's survival needs. What do humans need to survive? Can there be life out there? This is where math, science, engineering, and technology intersect. Jr. Astronauts will design and construct their own spaceship shuttles! Grab your space suit and get ready for an adventure that really is out of this world!

Yick, Yack, Yuck
April 14th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
It's the study of everything gross in this one, as kids jump into the world of disgusting (i say they are already there...)!!!! It's all things gooey, slimy, slippery...funky, ugly, and foul!!! Does it get any better than that if you are an 8 year old? Kids will get down and dirty with lots of hands-on activities, and in this special edition of Grossology, kids will be rolling up their sleeves and getting elbow deep in the ultimate Yeck Check!! That's right, it's owl pellet time, look through dried up wads of owl vomit that the birds yack up periodically. They contain all the bits and bobs of what the owls have been eating, so for those brave enough to pick through them,there are treasures to be found! Get the scoop about animal poop- make some slime... It might not be good dinner conversation for you...but its sure to be big fun for the kids!!

Animal Caretakers & Training
April 15th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
If working with animals has been your dream, then this is the camp for you! In this really popular offering, campers will get to experience different jobs that relate to working with our animal friends. Learn what it takes to be a veterinarian, taking care of sick or injured animals, or a park ranger, watching over wild beasts. How about learning about being a biologist? Entomologist? Marine biologist? A herpetologist? What about any other -ologist that calls to you. And of course, we couldn’t skip talking about being a zookeeper. Campers will learn all the ins and outs of working with animals up close and personal, as experts in the field will pull back the curtain and show participants what's really involved in these exciting careers. There will be plenty of hands-on animal interactions all along the way, even animal care chores such as bathing a tortoise or a hedgehog, making toys for a kinkajou, and feeding gators and crocs. Sign up today and get a head start in these amazing creature careers!

Survivor Challenge
April 16th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+'ve just found yourself in the wilderness…with a group of strangers!!...what next? Don’t sweat… This camp will teach participants how to handle all that nature can throw their way! Teamwork is the name of the game! Each team will learn the ins and outs of staying safe and surviving tough situations. They will learn how to pitch a tent, make a shelter, how to build a fire, determine compass directions using the sun, how to find food, build a raft, and much more. Campers will work together in teams for some friendly competitions where they will work on daily challenges, run obstacle courses, play animal trivia, and compete in physical challenges to gain rewards or get “immunity idols" to help each survival team along the way. If you want to survive what nature throws your way sign up now before the next storm blows in!

Adventure Quest
April 17th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
Pull on your boots and hold on tight—this camp is no ordinary adventure! Adventure Quest is all about the journey. Campers will embark on thrilling quests to uncover magical creatures, mythical beasts, and cryptid legends. From mermaids and fairies to trolls, unicorns, yetis, and dragons, the search will lead to the extraordinary! But this camp isn't just about the destination—it's the epic journeys and mysterious places along the way that make it truly exciting. Whether the quest takes campers to Shangri-La, Atlantis, El Dorado, or the Forbidden City, they'll be on the hunt for magical creatures and cryptids. To succeed, campers must work together, find clues, decipher codes, read maps, and navigate challenges—because there's a reason these elusive creatures are so hard to find! So gather your teamwork and can-do attitude as you unravel the mysteries of the fantastical world. Note: No magical creatures will be allowed home with campers—except maybe Bigfoot (he's a big fan of snuggling).

Jurassic Exploration
April 18th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
This camp is an oldie but goody literally... because it's 145 million years in the making...and too good to be true! That's right...Eco is bringing dinosaur times back for fun and adventure in this super popular camp! Right off the bat campers will be briefed on their perilous Jurassic Mission, and all the adventures that lie ahead in their fossil quest. The fun takes place in our fog shrouded rainforest, where campers will search for prehistoric animals and real live fossils as they attempt to avoid pitfalls and complete their mission. And, as if it couldn't get any better...wait for it....that's right...campers will get to experience Eco Adventures’ legendary outdoor “DINO DIG PIT”, filled with ancient fossils that they have to unearth! Rumor even has it that successful searchers get to take home their very own prehistoric shark tooth! Sign up now to release your inner dinosaur!
Special Note: No old fossils need to apply....this camp is for KIDS!

Wild West Gold Mining
April 21st
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
Calling all prospectors! The Eco Mining Co. just filed a claim on Gold Dust Gulch and we need your help! The water is flowing, nuggets are tumbling, and gold fever is in the air, so grab your gear! All interested miners report for work at the Wild West Water Stop, just out back of the EA Bunkhouse, where we have our sluices set up and the ore is rich (we hope...). Be prepared for a half day of excitement as we wash the diggings in our brand new sluice. Prospectors will learn all about gold/silver mining, how to prospect, pan for gold, how to use a sluice, introduction to critters we may run into in the wild west, different ways to excavate, and even how to identify precious gems! At the end of their shift, the lucky miners (everyone) will get to weigh their findings at the Gold Dust Gulch Trading Post, where they can swap their nuggets for something they can actually take home!! The sluice boxes are a little leaky and the old Water Stop is unpredictable at best, so prepare to get wet!
Sign up now before a sourdough jumps yer claim!

Animal Caretakers & Training
April 22nd
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
If working with animals has been your dream, then this is the camp for you! In this really popular offering, campers will get to experience different jobs that relate to working with our animal friends. Learn what it takes to be a veterinarian, taking care of sick or injured animals, or a park ranger, watching over wild beasts. How about learning about being a biologist? Entomologist? Marine biologist? A herpetologist? What about any other -ologist that calls to you. And of course, we couldn’t skip talking about being a zookeeper. Campers will learn all the ins and outs of working with animals up close and personal, as experts in the field will pull back the curtain and show participants what's really involved in these exciting careers. There will be plenty of hands-on animal interactions all along the way, even animal care chores such as bathing a tortoise or a hedgehog, making toys for a kinkajou, and feeding gators and crocs. Sign up today and get a head start in these amazing creature careers!

Survivor Challenge
April 23rd
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+'ve just found yourself in the wilderness…with a group of strangers!!...what next? Don’t sweat… This camp will teach participants how to handle all that nature can throw their way! Teamwork is the name of the game! Each team will learn the ins and outs of staying safe and surviving tough situations. They will learn how to pitch a tent, make a shelter, how to build a fire, determine compass directions using the sun, how to find food, build a raft, and much more. Campers will work together in teams for some friendly competitions where they will work on daily challenges, run obstacle courses, play animal trivia, and compete in physical challenges to gain rewards or get “immunity idols" to help each survival team along the way. If you want to survive what nature throws your way sign up now before the next storm blows in!

Adventure Quest
April 25th
Ages 4-11 & CITs 12+
Pull on your boots and hold on tight—this camp is no ordinary adventure! Adventure Quest is all about the journey. Campers will embark on thrilling quests to uncover magical creatures, mythical beasts, and cryptid legends. From mermaids and fairies to trolls, unicorns, yetis, and dragons, the search will lead to the extraordinary! But this camp isn't just about the destination—it's the epic journeys and mysterious places along the way that make it truly exciting. Whether the quest takes campers to Shangri-La, Atlantis, El Dorado, or the Forbidden City, they'll be on the hunt for magical creatures and cryptids. To succeed, campers must work together, find clues, decipher codes, read maps, and navigate challenges—because there's a reason these elusive creatures are so hard to find! So gather your teamwork and can-do attitude as you unravel the mysteries of the fantastical world. Note: No magical creatures will be allowed home with campers—except maybe Bigfoot (he's a big fan of snuggling).
Each camp is themed and is designed to get kids excited about our natural world. Whether it's providing campers with a once-in-a-lifetime experience with an endangered species, learning new skills from an expert, discovering newfound confidence from one of our knowledgeable instructors, or simply making new friends in a safe and stimulating environment. From nature hikes, outdoor classrooms, animal interactions, crafts, games, field trips, and guest speakers to learning about careers in animal training and animal care. Do your child a favor and let them take a walk on the wild side at Eco Adventures this summer! Go ahead... "Experience the Extraordinary"!!
Why Eco Adventures Camp? We are UNIQUE and like no other. Here is why:
Meet Eco Adventures staff who just so happen to be world renowned explorers from National Geographic, scientists, vet techs, biologists/marine biologists, animal rescuers, animal trainers, and more! Our staff, are not the ordinary “camp counselors”. We are professionally trained educators. The Executive Director has 24+ years of experience with leading, organizing, and developing camps from the Miami Seaquarium, Parrot Jungle and Gardens, National Audubon Society, National Aquarium, and more! Many of our Lead instructors are experts in their field: from Conservation education, herpetology, art, photography, field research, animal training, animal rescues, and more!
We pride ourselves on our training from animal safety to first aid/CPR certifications and are certified/licensed by the MD Dept. of Health Camp well as MD State Department of Child Care. Lastly, all of our staff has been additionally trained on the new CDC safety guidelines and safety procedures for preventing illness.
The safety of your children, our staff and animals are the upmost priority. We had a successful summer camp with new COVID protocols and procedures. Here are just a few guidelines.
Covid is still very much part of everyday life. Eco Adventures still disinfects and clean mid day and after camp, uses HEPA filters and extra ventilation. We also social distance 3 feet whenever possible. group. We ask that you keep your child home and test for COVID if they exhibit any cold like COVID symptoms or wear a mask.
Campers are split into age-appropriate groups of 15 or less with one instructor and one possible Counselor in training, volunteer or Junior Assistant. We try to accommodate sibling requests and friend requests when needed. They will rotate from station to station (crafts, games/activity, animals, snack, inside air-conditioning downtime) Lastly, there is a team of Administrators and Directors to oversee the camp and to assist with the logistics, supervision, and safety of the camp.
Counselors in Training (CITS): 8:15 AM-4:30PM - DROP OFF AT THE DOOR
Before & After Care: We offer beforecare beginning at 8am and aftercare until 5:00 pm. The cost is $13 per day for one or the other, or $25 per day for both. If needed, email us with what day(s) you will need. They will go inside to watch a movie while observing social distancing. Drop off and pick up at the door. Show pick-up pass. Ring the doorbell on the left.
WHERE TO GO: Each morning we are implementing outside CAR drop off & pick up through a drop off line. PROCEED TO THE SECOND ENTRANCE BY AMERICAN CEDAR & MILLWORK THE KITCHEN AND TURN LEFT. LOOP BEHIND OUR BUILDING. Signs and/or staff will be outside directing you. PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK DOCKSIDER’S ENTRANCE!! Line up to the far right so cars can come through.
BE READY: In order to have drop off be as smooth and efficient as possible, please make sure your camper is READY TO GO backpack, water bottle, ALREADY applied sunscreen, etc so you do not hold up the line.
*DROP OFF: 8:55-9:10am
*PICK-UP: Starts at 3:45 pm- 4:00 pm. You will be given a colored piece of paper with your child’s group color and name on the first day. Place in your right-hand side window or dashboard for BOTH MORNING and AFTERNOON ALL WEEK. This will speed up the process. We will have staff members/CIT’s/volunteers outside escorting your child to and from your car. If you have another person picking up, please supply them with a photo of your pick-up pass to show or ask for another copy.
*COVID UPDATES: Masks are optional. Please note all of our staff (16 and over) have been vaccinated but will continue to social distance whenever possible. We have extra ventilation, HEPA filters in the rooms, sanitize and open the doors for fresh air throughout the day.
*AIR QUALITY: If there is code Orange for air quality, we will continue outdoor events without strenuous exercise and include more indoor activities. Masks are optional. Let us know if you want your child to wear one. If code RED we will have camps indoors with drop off and pick up outside only.
*GENERAL HEALTH, BEHAVIOR OR PSYCHIATRIC NEEDS/ALLERGIES/MEDS: Please let us know BEFORE camp of any general health concerns, behavioral or psychiatric needs so we can be prepared and better assist your child and remind us during drop off time. Any medications must be administered by a parent or child themselves unless it is a life-saving medication such as an epipen. You must have a medical authorization form filled out and signed by a pediatrician uploaded and a printed copy of it to go with the medication. Let us know if your child has any medications on the day of camp at drop off.
*Each week, depending on the theme, we will have guest speakers and entertainers.
*Tick season: Although we spray for ticks and mosquitos professionally, please spray your child with bug repellant each morning and perform a tick check each evening.
*Groups/Friend requests: Groups will be pre-assigned according to ages before the first day of camp. For the best possible experience, we will split siblings up to their own age groups. If your child wants to be with someone, please email me [email protected] before MONDAY. Know that special request groups will be mixed ages from 5-11 years old.
The OTHER “411”:
*WHAT TO BRING: Apply sunscreen and bug spray before camp every day. Can wear a sneakers (no flip flops). Bring a small sports backpack with a water bottle, light jacket if cool weather, peanut-free lunch, and one snack. They will be given ice pops as an afternoon snack, if you wish your child to have something different please pack a second snack as well.
* We welcome newspaper, empty toilet paper/papertowel rolls, and any slightly overly ripened produce that you have laying around for our animals (lettuce of any kind except spinach, squash, cukes, peppers, carrots, bananas, any fruit…)
*Please do not bring any toys, electronics, or valuables. Please LABEL everything with your child’s name on it and remember to pick up crafts daily. Any lost and found items after 2 weeks will be donated.
* JUNGLE SHOP: At the end of the day, we will announce jungle shopping. You may bring $ for small souvenirs items are $1-$20+ Please label $ in a zip lock bag with your child’s name. We will give those kids that do not bring anything something from the treasure box. We have Dr. Brady Barr (co-owner) Nat Geo books that he can also sign and personalize $7-$15. Please…NO PIGGY BANK COINS.
*Who’s who: Camp administrators (polo shirts) to assist with registration, camp administration, boo boos, behavior/special needs/allergies/anything parents need as well as camp rotations, sanitation, and supervision. Blue Turtle shirts are Lead instructors (Station leaders) white shirts are junior assistants/interns/CIT’s/volunteers.
*Behavior Policy: As stated in waiver/registration, just a friendly reminder of this policy that if my child(ren) does not consistently follow the safety rules and rules of conduct, the child may be expelled from the program without a refund.
*If your child is absent/sick, late, or needs to be picked up early, it is your responsibility to please call or email us to let us know.
*If you would like to sponsor an animal, make a donation, or donate produce/items from our wish list, please see our website.
P.S. We always need newspapers!
*We post highlight pictures of the kids on Facebook the week after so feel free to check to see them!
CIT’S (Counselor in Training) INFORMATION (ages 12 and up)
*CAMP HOURS FOR CIT’S ARE FROM 8:15am-4:30 pm Please drop off at the door. Siblings are ok to drop off as well with CITs at no charge for before care.
*If your CIT would like to stay until 5pm Wed to work with animals. Please let us know.
*If your CIT missed the training in June, we will catch him/her up when they come in on the first day.
* Please wear the ECO shirt provided by us at training. If you did not attend training, please ask for a shirt. Extra Shirts are $15.
*All other information above also pertains to the CIT’S except the drop off times and procedures.
*Feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions or feedback. We look forward to a great week of camp! THANK YOU!
See you later...Alligator!
Lydia Shreeve
Camp Director
[email protected] 410-987-1300
Please note procedures/activities can change with new Covid protocols at any time.
Campers will experience the ECO Mining Co. a “Wild West Water Stop” feature just out back of the ECO Bunkhouse, where we have our sluices set up and the ore is rich (we hope…). Prospectors will learn all about gold/silver mining, how to prospect, pan for gold and look for fossils, how to use a sluice, introduction to critters we may run into in the wild west, different ways to excavate, and even how to identify precious gems and real fossils!! At the end of their shift, the lucky miners (everyone) will get to weigh their findings at the Gold Dust Gulch Trading Post, where they can swap their nuggets for something they can actually take home!! The sluice boxes are a little leaky and the old Water Stop is unpredictable at best, so on this day, bring your swim suits and prepare to get wet!!
New this year: ECO Oyster Reef!
Participants will putting on their waterman hats and tonging for Oysters at the all new Eco Oyster Reef! Utilizing, age old techniques and tools, campers will test their skill at bringing up oysters, shark teeth, and other fossils with their tonging skills. Many of our oysters contain pearls, so if campers get lucky, you will find an oyster with a pearl! Learn about how it makes this precious jewel and learn about its anatomy!
For ages 11+ . Does your child have a high interest in animals, assisting with children, developing real world skills, (teamwork, leadership, responsibility), and learning about creature careers? We open up 5 spots for each camp and pair them up with an ECO Jr. Assistant that will help mentor them. Each CIT and Jr. Assistant will assist the Lead instructor in a group rotation. CITS will also participate in all the activities such as snack, craft, games, interactions etc while assisting with the group. Do you have what it takes? This is requirement for aspiring Jr. Assistants. Fee is the same as the themed camp. Call to inquire. Must attend a ZOOM meeting training prior to camp in June TBA. MUST be 11 years old or older.
Each of our AWARD WINNING specialty camps are themed and designed to get kids excited about our natural world. Our expertise is a hands on, up close and personal, interactive approach to learning. At Eco Adventures we believe in kids "doing" not watching. Whether its through a hands-on encounter with one of our over one hundred live animal ambassadors, an experience in our simulated rain forest, an activity in our outdoor classroom, wild crafts and games, fossil dig, a demonstration by a visiting scientist, or guided lesson by one of our professional staff members, will all ignite your child's senses and passion for our natural world. Let your kids "go wild" this summer, at a rainforest near you...Eco Adventures...they may never come home!
We ask that parents pack one morning snack and a lunch. We feel the kids deserve a little cooling off and break from the norm. As a result, we will be providing a daily afternoon "ice pop" for kids to cool off. Should you not want this, please make sure you pack an extra snack. As always, let us know if your child has allergies.
Whats a camp without games? Our dynamic and fun games encourage cooperative learning, physical activity, and team-building skills. We provide outdoor relay games and obstacles courses, creative games, as well as trivia games for the mind all while social distancing.
At Eco Adventures, kids are encouraged use their imagination and allow their inner Picasso to shine as they create crafts, art projects, and experiments to take home. The Art Camp provides them to get more in-depth with various mediums of art forms.
Some day camps, we provide guest speakers that provide demonstrations from various institutions such as DNR, National Geographic, National Aquarium in Baltimore, falconers, animal trainers, marine biologists, divers, Dog trainers, and magicians and more!
We have a limited number of scholarships for those in financial need. Please send us an email explaining why your child is in need and deserves a chance at the scholarship. First come first serve. Deadline is April 1st, 2020.
Camp Policies
See cancellation policy at the top
Eco Adventures Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy- see summer camp page for the full policy
If the need arises to cancel a registration, no refunds will be given at this time. However, you can change to a different camp based on availability OR a credit will be issued for our future programs such as one-day camps or summer in-house camps, birthday parties, Earth Day/any special events, Scout sleepover programs, Open Plays/Jungle Expresses, Behind the scenes "Feeding Frenzies", and even gift cards to give-away. Credit does expire 1 years from purchase. Please note this policy may change at any time.
*Once again Covid is still around this year, our sick policy is extremely rigid in order to keep your children and our staff safe. We may be prescreening campers. If a child shows up exhibiting cold or flu like symptoms such as runny nose, coughing, fever, or stomach bug we cannot let your child participate unless he or she shows with a resent negative COVID test result.
*If your child has seasonal allergies (and thus a runny nose) or an underlying medical condition, we must have written this on Sawyer at registration in order to participate.
*If your child gets sick during camp, the child will be isolated in the triage area where he/she will wait with an adult to be picked up. If your child has a fever or vomits, they must be picked up and not return to the remainder of that day camp.
*We will allow sick "make-up" days to make up during the school year only. No refunds or credits will be given. This is not credit, it is a one day camp to use at a later time.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to stay safe during the pandemic.
Before Care from 8am AND/Or After Care until 5pm
New Before & After Care Hours For Summer Camps:
Before Care from 8am- After Care until 5:00 pm- this will be indoors.
Our TAX EIN # 80-0921094. If you need a customized receipt for tax purposes, please give us at least 2 weeks notice due to the high amount of requests. Otherwise, you can print out sawyer account receipt with our tax ID number.
Please let us know of any allergies in advance on the form. Must have Doctor's form filled out for any epipens or medications. Please note that we do have some animals that eat peanuts/nuts but will not be around any human eating areas.
Medications: We will only help administer life threatening medications such as epi pens. Any other medications such as ADHD/antibiotics/etc will need to be administered by the parent. Medications must be signed in and out and in its original box.
Parents MUST notify us upon registration (prior) to the camp if your child has ANY special needs (ADHD, autism and what level, or any physical or behavioral problems), allergies, or any other special requirements so we can be prepared and staffed appropriately. Although we have had experience with, we are not trained professionals for special needs. Please note that this high energy camp may not be for everyone. Some of our rotations may switch thirty minutes at a time. Children with difficulties in making transitions, noise, high stimuli, may not respond well to this camp. We recommend to continue school routines with your child: If your child has ADHD medication, a weighted vest, or is in a program at school we recommend you continue the routine.
Failure to do this or improper/unmanageable behavior during camp can result in cancellation of your child's registration without a refund. Thank you for your understanding.
Please note that you can only use ONE discount per camper. For example: you can use either Early Bird or sibling whichever is greater. As a small family business, we thank you for helping us keep our costs down. Payment plans are available.
- Early Bird: $15 off full day week long camps or $10 off mini camps until March 1st
- Sibling: $20 off additional siblings for week long camps-$5 off one day camps.